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LIFE SPAN training continues for in technicians of Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region

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A few days ago in the Eastern Cansiglio Regional Forest, the first training workshop for the use of the LIFE SPAN project's martelloscopes was held.

Andreas Schuck from the European Forest Institute, the project partner responsible for the construction of the two martelloscopes, presented to the FVG technicians the I+Trainer software, a tool created for training in the use of these "forest gyms."

The participants, divided into groups, had the opportunity to experience the choosing of the plant to cut on tablets and then discuss the results together, all directly in the forest. These demonstration activities aim to train the technicians from FVG so that they can independently organize training aimed at all stakeholders.


Project Manager
Bruno De Cinti
National Research Council - Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems
Area della Ricerca Roma 1
Strada Provinciale 35d, km. 0,700
00010 Montelibretti (Roma)
Email: info@lifespanproject.eu

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LIFE SPAN project (LIFE19 NAT/IT/000104) is co-funded by the EU LIFE Programme