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In Romania and Cansiglio for Networking Activities with the LIFE Rosalia Project

In Romania and Cansiglio for Networking Activities with the LIFE Rosalia Project

In recent weeks, a double networking meeting was held with colleagues from the LIFE Rosalia project, first at the Parcul Natural Putna Vrancea, one of their demonstration sites in Romania, and then in the Cansiglio Forest.

The goal of the meetings was to strengthen collaboration between the two teams and find effective solutions for forest habitat management by sharing methodologies and activities from our projects.

During our time in Romania, we visited the intervention areas of LIFE Rosalia, where microhabitats for saproxylic insects were created using techniques similar to ours. We also explored the Lepsa laboratory, which specializes in studying these insects, and discussed pheromones, entomological traps, and monitoring, delving into the use of radiotelemetry to study the behavior of insects in their habitats.

In Italy, we guided our colleagues through the SHS (Saproxylic Habitat Sites) created in Cansiglio and along the demonstration path.

This exchange of expertise between LIFE projects is crucial for expanding our network of contacts and replicating best practices for the protection of saproxylic insects and their habitats.


Project Manager
Bruno De Cinti
National Research Council - Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems
Area della Ricerca Roma 1
Strada Provinciale 35d, km. 0,700
00010 Montelibretti (Roma)
Email: info@lifespanproject.eu

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LIFE SPAN project (LIFE19 NAT/IT/000104) is co-funded by the EU LIFE Programme